2022 Achievements
2023 Objectives
In 2021, I was fortunate enough to collaborate with members of the SMS Power! community on an Indie game project. In 2022, I was fortunate enough again to collaborate with members of SC-3000 Survivors Facebook group and port Skazka as a Slavic RGP Adventure game to the Sega Master System.
Later on in 2022, I was fortunate to collaborate with Kagesan at SMS POwer! in order to add graphics to all screens in Skazka. Finally, Skazka was ported to Sega Mega Drive with help of the MegaDrive community.
Ultimate goal would be to apply skills learned from C/ASM Sega Master System programming and some Sega MegaDrive to real world professional development. Of course, this is very niche and non-profitable!
However, low level systems application programming like eBPF, in Linux, is perhaps one of the very few development experiences available in modern day professional Software Engineering that it's similar in stature! Therefore, I believe this is something definitely worth investigating more in the coming year J