Thursday, November 15, 2018

Simpsons Trivia iOS Port

In the previous post, we introduced Simpsons Trivia: a simple quiz game for the Sega Master System. Here we outlined tasks to port original game to Android using MonoGame. Now we would like to port game to iOS.
Let's check it out!

This post extends Candy Kid iOS port which assumes MonoGame and Apple certificates + profiles installed. Although Visual Studio now integrates iOS templates for development Mac is still required for deployment.

Download and install Visual Studio 2017. Install "Mobile development with .NET" for Xamarin development.
Launch Visual Studio 2017. Tools | Options | Xamarin. Configure Apple Accounts. Click "Pair to Mac". Click "Add Mac" in popup and enter Mac name or IP address. Enter login details to connect. Verify iOS Settings.
Ensure Username entered matches Current User on Mac e.g. "Steven Boland" and matching login password. If unable to connect using Mac name then ensure Xamarin SDK version compatible on Visual Studio for Mac.

IOS Game Client
Visual Studio 2017: Create new project. New Project | Visual C# | MonoGame | MonoGame iOS Project.
 Key  Value
 Name  SimpsonsTrivia.IOS
 Location  C:\SVN\SimpsonsTrivia
 Solution name  SimpsonsTrivia.IOS
Download code sample here.

Here is a checklist of tasks to complete in order to port game from Windows to iOS using MonoGame:
  • Configure project administration
  • Generate AppIconSet assets
  • Update Info plist config file
  • Update project references
  • Update nuget packages
  • Configure SVN Externals
  • Import Assets content
  • Update client files

Configure project administration
Sign in to your Apple developer account | Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. Ensure certificates are valid. Identifiers | App IDs click "+" to create new bundle identifier. Create corresponding Provisioning Profiles.

On the Mac, launch Visual Studio for Mac. Visual Studio Community | Preferences... | Publishing | Apple Developer Accounts. Click "+" to sign in. View Details... and choose "Download All Profiles" in the popup.

Generate AppIconSet assets
Navigate to makeappicon. Upload generic icon image that represents game. Best results use 1536 x 1536 image. After processing, download generated ZIP file and extract. Expand ios folder | AppIcon.appiconset.

On the Mac, launch Visual Studio for Mac. Open SimpsonsTrivia.IOS.sln. Double click Info.plist file. Next to iPhone icons | Sources click "Migrate to Asset Catalog" This auto-generates AppIcon plus Assets.xcassets.

Double click Assets.xcassets to launch AppIcon. Click each icon + open each corresponding icon accordingly:
 Location  Version  Size  Ratio  Dimension  Filename
 iPhone Notification  iOS 7-12  20pt  2x  40 x 40  Icon-App-20x20@2x
 iPhone Notification  iOS 7-12  20pt  3x  60 x 60  Icon-App-20x20@3x
 iPhone Spotlight  iOS 5-12  29pt  2x  58 x 58  Icon-App-29x29@2x
 iPhone Spotlight  iOS 5-12  29pt 3x  87 x 87  Icon-App-29x29@3x
 iPhone Spotlight iOS 7-12 40pt 2x 80 x 80 Icon-App-40x40@2x
 iPhone Spotlight iOS 7-12 40pt 3x 120 x 120 Icon-App-40x40@3x
 iPhone App iOS 7-12 60pt 2x 120 x 120 Icon-App-60x60@2x
 iPhone App iOS 7-12 60pt 3x 180 x 180 Icon-App-60x60@3x
 iPad Notification iOS 7-12 20pt 1x 20 x 20 Icon-App-20x20@1x
 iPad Notification iOS 7-12 40pt 2x 40 x 40 Icon-App-40x40@1x
 iPad Settings iOS 5-12 29pt 1x 29 x 29 Icon-App-29x29@1x
 iPad Settings iOS 5-12 29pt 2x 58 x 58 Icon-App-29x29@2x
 iPad Spotlight iOS 7-12 40pt 1x 40 x 40 Icon-App-40x40@1x
 iPad Spotlight iOS 7-12 40pt 2x 80 x 80 Icon-App-40x40@2x
 iPad App iOS 7-12 76pt 1x 76 x 76 Icon-App-76x76@1x
 iPad App iOS 7-12 76pt 2x 152 x 152 Icon-App-76x76@2x
 iPad Pro App iOS 9-12 83.5pt 2x 167 x 167 Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x
 App Store iOS 1024pt 1x 1024 x 1024 ItunesArtwork@2x
Finally, import the 3x iTunesArtwork.png files to the project as these will also be used in the Info.plist file.

Update Info plist config file
On the Mac, with SimpsonsTrivia.IOS still open. Double click Info.plist. Manually enter the relevant project information. Scroll down to iTunes Artwork and click placeholders for the iTunes artwork. Import both files:
 CFBundleName  Simpsons Trivia
 CFBundleDisplayName  Simpsons Trivia
 CFBundleIdentifier  com.steveproxna.simpsons
 CFBundleVersion 1.0.0
 CFBundleShortVersionString  1.0
 MinimumOSVersion  7.0
 UISupportedInterfaceOrientations  UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
 UIStatusBarHidden  true
 UIRequiresFullScreen  true
 UIDeviceFamily  1, 2
 XSAppIconAssets  Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  <string>Simpsons Trivia</string>
  <string>Simpsons Trivia</string>
NOTE: if the AppIcon magically disappears then it is always possible to edit Info.plist file by hand.

Update project references
Add reference to System.Xml.Linq as required by the game engine for any Serialization of custom XML files.

Update nuget packages
It may be necessary to downgrade to MonoGame.Framework to in order to load Content from the Content parent folder and play sound effects. Right click References node | Manage NuGet Packages. Search for MonoGame.Framework. Also, install Portable Ninject package as Ninject is required as the IoC Container.

Configure SVN Externals
Follow instructions to setup SVN Externals and use shared Data content plus Common + Master source code.
 IOS  Folder :  C:\SVN\SimpsonsTrivia\SimpsonsTrivia.IOS\SimpsonsTrivia.IOS
 Action :  Right click "Content" folder
 URL  http://build/svn/SimpsonsTrivia/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA/SimpsonsTrivia.XNAContent/Data

 IOS  Folder :  C:\SVN\SimpsonsTrivia\SimpsonsTrivia.IOS
 Action :  Right click "SimpsonsTrivia.IOS" folder
 URL  http://build/svn/SimpsonsTrivia/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA.Library/Common
 URL  http://build/svn/SimpsonsTrivia/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA/SimpsonsTrivia.XNA.Library/Master

Import Assets content
Manually import game content and set file properties. Refer to Candy Kid iOS port for more information:
 Folder  Type  XNB  Build Action  Copy to Output Directory
 Data  All  No  Content  Copy if newer
 Fonts  All  Yes  Content  Copy if newer
 Sound  Wav  Yes  Content  Copy if newer
 Sound  Mp3  No  Content  Do not copy
 Textures  All  No  BundleResource  Do not copy

Update client files
Finally, delete default Game1.cs code file. Delete Default.png and GameThumbnail.png images as these not required. Import iTunesArtwork@1x iTunesArtwork@2x iTunesArtwork@3x PNG [above] if not already done.

Refer to Candy Kid iOS port as reference to exit game code sample on iOS and to MediaPlayer workaround. Also, to prevent annoying landscape flipping during game play set display orientation to landscape left only:
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this) {SupportedOrientations = DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft};

Despite the fact that you are able to complete all game development on Windows PC using Visual Studio 2017, it may actually be easier to complete the iOS deployment on the Mac using Visual Studio for Mac.

Launch the Terminal, checkout the source code and open SimpsonsTrivia.IOS.sln in Visual Studio for Mac. Right click project | Options | Build | iOS Build. Ensure that all 3x supported architectures are selected:
Connect iOS device. In Visual Studio ensure device selected. Right click project | Archive for Publishing.
Click Sign and Distribute... Here, there are 3x iOS Distribution channels: Ad Hoc, App Store and Enterprise. Choose Ad Hoc to save to disk and test locally while App Store will upload IPA to the store available for sale.

The App Store deployment will prompt you to select signing identity and provisioning profile created earlier. Note: Enterprise is not valid here!

Ad Hoc
If you'd like to deploy test the IPA build to iOS device before uploading to App Store then follow these steps:
Choose Ad hoc [Save to disk]. Choose provisioning profile | Publish | Save IPA file | Reveal in Finder. Launch Xcode | Window | Devices and Simulators. Select connected iOS device. Click "+". Navigate + open IPA file.

App Store
Choose App Store [Save to disk and open Application Loader]. Previously, Application Loader simply required Apple developer account credentials to be entered. Now, Apple requires app specific password to be created:

Sign in Apple ID web site. In Security section under "APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS" click "Generate Password". In the popup window enter, for example "SimpsonsTrivia". Apple will generate an app specific password. Use information to sign in to Application Loader. Click "Deliver Your App" | Choose. Navigate to + upload IPA file.

Complete the App Store deployment to sign IPA binary ready for upload. In iTunes Connect click the "+" to create New App. Enter all relevant details. Create promotional images and upload to App Previews section:
 Device  Policy  Image  Video
 iPhone 6.5" Display  Optional  2688 x 1242  1920 x 886
 iPhone 5.5" Display  Mandatory  2208 x 1242  1920 x 1080
 iPad Pro (3rd Gen) 12.9" Display  Optional  2732 x 2048  1600 x 1200
 iPad Pro (2nd Gen) 12.9" Display  Mandatory  2732 x 2048  1200 x 900
NOTE: is a great online tool to help resize the same generic image for different resolutions.

Produce a YouTube video to showcase the game. Use My Movie Maker to resize video to dimensions [above]:
Launch My Movie Maker. Open MP4 file. Choose "Save movie" drop down | Create custom setting. Enter the dimensions. For height > 1080px try Online Convert: e.g. Screen size to 1600 x 1200 and fame rate: 30fps.

Once published, if app is "Waiting in Review" for weeks then you have the option to expedite this process. Contact Apple and choose I would like to "request an expedited app review". Enter all information + Send.

That concludes the Simpsons Trivia port to iOS. These blog posts set the foundation for the next video game!

1 comment:

Micheal Alexander said...

Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Apple Developer Enterprise Account

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