Sunday, September 15, 2024

OpenAI Farma Cheat Sheet

OpenAI is an American Artificial Intelligence [AI] research organization founded Dec-2015 head-quartered in San Francisco. In April 2016, OpenAI released a public beta of "OpenAI Gym": its platform for reinforcement learning research. Reinforcement Learning [RL] is an interdisciplinary area of machine learning and optimal control concerned with how an agent takes action in environment in order to maximize cumulative rewards.

In 2021, the non-profit organization Farama Foundation took over Gym. They introduced new features into Gym and renamed the library to Gymnasium where the future maintenance of OpenAI Gym will take place.

Let's check it out!

OpenAI Gym is an open source Python library for developing reinforcement learning algorithms by providing standard API to communicate between algorithms and environments. Gym soon became widely adopted by the community for creating and training algorithms in various environments for AI Reinforcement Learning.

Gym provides a wide range of environments, including classic control problems, Atari games, and robotics. Gym also includes set of tools for monitoring and evaluating performance of reinforcement learning agents.

Hello Gym
Creating a Gym environment e.g. Cart Pole. Launch PyCharm | New Project | Name: HelloCartPoleGym [~/]

 source .venv/bin/activate
 pip install --upgrade pip
 pip install gym
 pip install gym[classic_control]

 import gym
 env = gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human")
 observation, info = env.reset(seed=42)
 for _ in range(1000):
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    if terminated or truncated:
        observation, info = env.reset()
YouTube videos online also introduce OpenAI Gym but include Frozen Lake environment and Atari Breakout.

The main problem with Gym was the lack of maintenance: OpenAI did not allocate substantial resources for the development of Gym since its inception seven years earlier and, by 2020, it simply was not maintained.

Gymnasium is a maintained fork of the OpenAI Gym library. The Gymnasium interface is simple, pythonic, and capable of representing general RL problems with a compatibility wrapper for old Gym environments:

Hello Gymnasium
Creating /Gymnasium environment e.g. Cart Pole. Launch PyCharm | New Project | HelloCartPoleGymnasium

 source .venv/bin/activate
 pip install --upgrade pip
 pip install gymnasium
 pip install gymnasium[classic-control]

 import gymnasium as gym
 env = gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human")
 observation, info = env.reset(seed=42)
 for _ in range(1000):
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    if terminated or truncated:
        observation, info = env.reset()

While both Gym and Gymnasium are powerful tools for creating environments for reinforcement learning, it makes more sense to prefer Gymnasium going forward as technically future support for Gym there is none. Note: old import gym documentation is replaced with import gymnasium as gym convention going forward.

Farama Examples
Complete all Farama examples! Create OpenAI Test repo. Launch PyCharm | New Project | FarmaCheatSheet

If Python Interpreter not set and/or Virtual Environment not available then choose File | Settings... | Project: Python Interpreter | Add Interpreter | Add Local Interpreter. Launch terminal: source .venv/bin/activate.

Copy the official Gymnasium requirements.txt from the Farama Foundation GitHub repository docs directory:
 pip install -r requirements.txt
 pip install --upgrade pip

Classic Control
There are five Classic Control environments which are stochastic in terms of initial state within given range.
 pip install gymnasium
 Acrobot-v1 CartPole-v1 MountainCar-v0 Pendulum-v1

Toy Text
Toy Text environments are designed to be extremely simple, with small discrete state and action spaces, and hence easy to learn. They are suitable for debugging implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
 pip install gymnasium
 Blackjack-v1 CliffWalking-v0 FrozenLake-v1 Taxi-v3

Box2D environments involve toy games based around box2d physics control and PyGame-based rendering.
 pip install gymnasium  pip install Box2D
 BipedalWalker-v3 CarRacing-v2 LunarLander-v2

MuJoCo [Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact] is physics engine for facilitating research and development in robotics, biomechanics, graphics and animation, also areas where fast and accurate simulation is needed.
 pip install gymnasium  pip install mujoco==2.3.0
 Ant-v4 Humanoid-v4 InvertedPendulum-v4 Swimmer-v4
 HalfCheetah-v4 HumanoidStandup-v4 Pusher-v4 Walker2d-v4
 Hopper-v4 InvertedDoublePendulum-v4 Reacher-v4 

Atari environments are simulated via the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) through the Stella emulator.
 pip install gymnasium[atari]  pip install gymnasium[accept-rom-license]
 Adventure-v5 Defender-v5 KeystoneKapers-v5 Seaquest-v5
 AirRaid-v5 DemonAttack-v5 KingKong-v5 SirLancelot-v5
 Alien-v5 DonkeyKong-v5 Klax-v5 Skiing-v5
 Amidar-v5 DoubleDunk-v5 Koolaid-v5 Solaris-v5
 Assault-v5 Earthworld-v5 Krull-v5 SpaceInvaders-v5
 Asterix-v5 ElevatorAction-v5 KungFuMaster-v5 SpaceWar-v5
 Asteroids-v5 Enduro-v5 LaserGates-v5 StarGunner-v5
 Atlantis-v5 Entombed-v5 LostLuggage-v5 Superman-v5
 Atlantis2-v5 Et-v5 MarioBros-v5 Surround-v5
 Backgammon-v5 FishingDerby-v5 MiniatureGolf-v5 Tennis-v5
 BankHeist-v5 FlagCapture-v5 MontezumaRevenge-v5 Tetris-v5
 BasicMath-v5 Freeway-v5 MrDo-v5 TicTacToe3D-v5
 BattleZone-v5 Frogger-v5 MsPacman-v5 TimePilot-v5
 BeamRider-v5 Frostbite-v5 NameThisGame-v5 Trondead-v5
 Berzerk-v5 Galaxian-v5 Othello-v5 Turmoil-v5
 Blackjack-v5 Gopher-v5 Pacman-v5 Tutankham-v5
 Bowling-v5 Gravitar-v5 Phoenix-v5 UpNDown-v5
 Boxing-v5 Hangman-v5 Pitfall-v5 Venture-v5
 Breakout-v5 HauntedHouse-v5 Pitfall2-v5 VideoCheckers-v5
 Carnival-v5 Hero-v5 Pong-v5 VideoChess-v5
 Casino-v5 HumanCannonball-v5 Pooyan-v5 VideoCube-v5
 Centipede-v5 IceHockey-v5 PrivateEye-v5 VideoPinball-v5
 ChopperCommand-v5 Jamesbond-v5 Qbert-v5 WizardOfWor-v5
 CrazyClimber-v5 JourneyEscape-v5 Riverraid-v5 WordZapper-v5
 Crossbow-v5 Kaboom-v5 RoadRunner-v5 YarsRevenge-v5
 Darkchambers-v5 Kangaroo-v5 Robotank-v5 Zaxxon-v5

Pull Request
Finally, submit Pull Request: upload Farma examples. Navigate to source Gymnasium repo | Create new fork

Git clone the forked Gymnasium source code repository and setup the following Git username and useremail
 git config --global --get
 git config --global --get
 git config --global "SteveProXNA"
 git config --global ""

Next, configure the Gymnasium upstream destination code repository in order to complete the Pull Request:
 git remote -v
 git remote add upstream
 origin (fetch) (push)
 upstream (fetch) (push)

Launch PyCharm | Open Gymnasium | Create virtual environment | Install requirements as pre-requisites:
 pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
 pip install --upgrade pip

Uncomment game from ClassicControl sub-directory files.txt or ToyText files.txt. Open Run script:

Install Box2D and MuJoCo dependencies. Uncomment game from Box2D files.txt or MuJoCo. Run
 pip install Box2D
 pip install mujoco==2.3.0

Finally, in order to integrate Atari game examples I found this only worked cut from tag v0.29.1 [81b87ef]:
 git fetch --tags --prune --prune-tags
 git fetch --all
 git tag | grep v0.29.1
 git checkout tags/v0.29.1

It seems after tag v0.29.1 any Atari game may throw the following: gymnasium.error.NamespaceNotFound: Namespace ALE not found. Have you installed the proper package for ALE?. Resume Atari tag v0.29.1 setup:
 pip install gymnasium[atari]  pip install gymnasium[accept-rom-license]

In Jan-2020 Retrospective XI, we learned about an interesting development connecting Artificial Intelligence and retro video games leveraging Reinforcement Learning. In Jan-2021 Retrospective XII, we then discussed video games as an interesting field of study and retro game development of Pacman and Doom clones as an excellent avenue to pursue with regards to future applications in software with Artificial Intelligence and RL.

Consequently, in the previous post, we disovered how to debug step thru cloned versions of Doom to better understand the original source code: an important pre-requisite to extend knowledge for further research in reinforcement learning, in particular. For example, ViZDoom allows developing AI bots that play Doom using visual data. In 2022, ViZDoom joined Farama Foundation featuring new Gymnasium environment wrappers.

To summarize, we have now setup Gymnasium environments for Classic Control, Toy Text, Box 2D, MuJo Co and Atari. NB: all Atari environments leverage the Atari Arcade Learning Environment [ALE] emulator Stella.

In fact, reverting back to OpenAI which hosts the Retro Git source code repository, also including Emulated Systems like Atari. However, Retro also includes many other Emulated Systems we have developed for in the past including Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color, Sega MegaDrive and or course the Sega Master System! This will be the topic of the next post.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Doom Code WalkThru

Doom is a First-Person Shooter developed and published by id Software in December 1993. Doom is the first franchise installment and one of the most widely ported video games since the code was released Dec-1997.

Let's check it out!

In order to better understand the Doom source code we would like to debug step thru both the Doom port PrBoom on Linux and the Doom port DoomRetro on Windows written in C using modern-day software tools:
 Linux  PrBoom  Cross-platform version of Doom ported to Linux
 Windows  DoomRetro  Classic refined Doom source port for Windows PC

WAD Files
WAD is the acronym for "Where's All the Data?" which is the file format used by Doom and all Doom engine-based games for storing data. A WAD file consists of a header, a directory and the data lumps that make up the resources stored within the file. A WAD file can be one of two types: an Internal WAD or a Patch WAD:

 IWAD   Internal WAD   Core WAD file loaded by engine that provides all data required to run game
 PWAD   Patch WAD   Optional file that replaces IWAD data and provides additional data to engine
According to doomwiki there is List of notable WADs available to download beginning with Doom1.wad etc.

Doom Bible
The Doom Bible is the original design document which includes the specifications for the WAD file format structure that initiated an incredible modding scene in which fans created their own WAD files containing new levels commonplace for first-person shooter games! Now let's debug step thru Doom C source code.

PrBoom is a cross-platform version of the classic 3D first-person shooter Doom from id Software. PrBoom has since been ported to Linux and many other platforms. PrBoom requires the original IWAD data files.

Follow this YouTube video to setup PrBoom in VS Code and build and debug step through the source code! Launch Terminal. Install the following Linux packages as PrBoom pre-requisites, if not currently installed:
 sudo apt-get install libghc-opengl-dev
 sudo apt-get install libghc-sdl-dev

Download prboom-plus- from That is the link that seemed to work OK for me. Launch Terminal. Execute following commands to extract source code, configure, build and run PrBoom:
 tar -xvf prboom-plus-
 cd ~/prboom-plus
 chmod +x configure
 chmod +x src/prboom-plus

If you get the following configure: error: *** You must have the SDL libraries installed before you can compile prboom *** See then install the following packages:
 sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev
 sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
 sudo apt-get install libsdl-net1.2-dev

Copy all files from the DoomCodeWalkThru Files directory to the local hidden directory ~/.prboom-plus
 cp ~/GitHub/SteveProXNA/Doom/Files/* ~/.prboom-plus

Launch VS Code. Create build shell script, hidden .vscode directory with tasks.json and launch.json files
 tasks.json  launch.json
     "version": "2.0.0",
     "label": "build",
     "type": "shell",
     "linux": {
         "command": "./"
   "version": "0.2.0",
   "configurations": [
       "name": "(gdb) Launch",
       "type": "cppdbg",
       "request": "launch",
       "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/prboom-plus",
       "args": [
       "stopAtEntry": false,
       "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
       "externalConsole": false,
       "MIMode": "gdb",

Open i_main.c. Set breakpoints. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to build and F5 to debug step through source code!

IMPORTANT - the first character of IWAD file must be I not P otherwise may get an "IWAD not found" error.

CRITICAL - specify the arguments -iwad and WAD file e.g. Doom1.wad otherwise you will encounter error:
 M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
  default file: ~/.prboom-plus/prboom-plus.cfg
   found ~/.prboom-plus/prboom-plus.wad
 prboom-plus v2.5.1.3 (
 I_SetAffinityMask: manual affinity mask is 1
 IdentifyVersion: IWAD not found


 F1 Help
 F2 Save game
 F3 Load game
 F4 Sound volume
 F5 Change HUD
 F6 Save game
 F7 End game
 F8 Message toggle
 F9 Quick load
 F10 Quit application
 Escape Menu back
 Enter Menu forward
 Home Restart game
 Tab Map
 0-9 Change weapons
 Left arrow Rotate left
 Right arrow Rotate right
 Up arrow Move forward
 Down arrow Move back
 Ctrl Shoot
 Space Open door
 < Strafe left
 > Strafe right
 / Rotate 180
Note: F11 does Gamma correction. Also, re-copy Prboom-plus.cfg and Prboom-plus.wad to reset HUD.

The YouTube video shows some examples how to hack the d_englsh.h to make custom text and sounds!

Doom Retro is the classic, refined Doom source port for Windows PC. Written in C, Doom Retro source code is maintained in doomretro Git repository and regularly compiled for both 32 and 64-bit using Visual Studio.

Launch Visual Studio 2022. Open doomretro.sln. Choose Debug | 32-bit. Right click Solution and Rebuild. Ensure the Platform Toolset is Visual Studio 2022 (v143) in the project Properties | Configuration Properties.

Open doomretro.c. Set breakpoints. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to build and F5 to debug step through source code! The function D_OpenWADLauncher() will prompt WAD file selection. Choose a WAD file from Files directory.


 F1 Help
 F2 Save game
 F3 Load game
 F4 Sound volume
 F5 Graphics toggle
 F6 Save game
 F7 End game
 F8 Message toggle
 F9 Quick load
 F10 Quit application
 Escape Menu back
 Enter Menu forward
 Tab Map
 0-9 Change weapons
 Left arrow Rotate left
 Right arrow Rotate right
 Up arrow [W] Move forward
 Down arrow [S] Move back
 Ctrl Shoot
 Space Open door
 A or < Strafe left
 D or > Strafe right
 Caps Lock Always run toggle
 Back Tick Console commands

Press the back tick [`] key prompts the Console Commands dialog box. Here are some useful commands:
 clear Clears console
 cmdlist Lists all commands
 god Toggle God mode
 health 100 Set health = 100%
 playerstats Shows player stats
 quit Quit application
 maplist List all maps to play
 map E1M7 Warp to map E1M7
 playerstats Shows player stats
 restartmap Restart current map
 newgame Start new game
 endgame End the game

The Game Engine Black Book: DOOM book is excellent reference material which goes into great depth about the development process of Doom in 1993. Masters of Doom documents the history of id Software and goes into great depth about development of many id Software franchises leading up-and-including Doom success.

To summarize, we have now setup Doom ports on both Linux and Windows computers to debug step through and better understand the source code. While this has been a fun and nostalgic exercise, many believe that this is crucial that Software Developers should review influential source code: rather than repeat the same past mistakes, we should study great works that preceded us and learn from and build upon their lessons.

Another motivation to study classic video game source code is their relevance to modern day AI topics such as Reinforcement Learning. For example: VizDoom allows developing AI bots to play Doom using only visual information. Hosted by The Farama-Foundation VizDoom allows creating environments based on the Doom engine. The library provides Python API wrappers for the OpenAI Gym / Gymnasium interface and provides an excellent opportunity to research machine visual learning and deep reinforcement learning in the future!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

GitLab Cheat Sheet

In 2016, we checked out GitHub Cheat Sheet: a distributed version control system for Open Source projects. Now we will explore differences in GitLab to streamline collaborative workflow and leverage CI/CD pipelines.

Let's check it out!

As per previous post assumes an account setup on Create an account on if you have not already done so. As GitLab also uses underlying git we setup the following on localhost for development:

SSH Keys
An SSH key is an access credential for the SSH network protocol. Git supports both RSA and ED25519 keys. Launch Terminal. Issue the following commands to generate new SSH key and adding SSH key to ssh-agent:

 RSA  ED25519
 cd ~/.ssh  cd ~/.ssh
 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C <email>
 Passphrase <redacted>  Passphrase <redacted>
 eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"  eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
 ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa  ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
 xclip -selection clipboard < ~/.ssh/  xclip -selection clipboard < <key>

If xclip is not installed then issue 2x commands: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install xclip. Finally, navigate to Settings | SSH and GPG keys | New SSH key | Paste contents from here.

Personal Access Token
If you favor HTTPS then Personal Access Tokens offer security benefits over password-based authentication. Launch Navigate to Edit Profile | Access Tokens | Add new token. Create personal access token.

After new Personal Access Token is created upload into source control software for example Source Tree on Windows and Mac OS/X and JetBrains products on Linux that integrate Git like PyCharm for Python etc etc.

Source Tree
Launch Source Tree | Settings | Accounts Add... | Enter the following details | Paste personal access token:

JetBrains IDE
Launch PyCharm | File | Settings... | Version Control | GitLab. Click "+" button | Enter GitLab token | Log In:

In 2021, we coded an example from scratch as full end-to-end Web API demo on local host, in Docker and Kubernetes. Let's replicate with Python Flask API but this time include Gitlab CI/CD deployment pipelines.

Navigate to Create blank project. Launch PyCharm. Create the new project gitlabcheatsheet.

Enter code. Install packages. Press F5 to debug. Launch Terminal | curl http://localhost:8080  Dockerfile
 from flask import Flask
 app = Flask(__name__)
 def root():
     return "Hello World (Python)!\n"
 if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8080)
 FROM python:3-alpine
 WORKDIR /service
 COPY requirements.txt .
 RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 COPY . ./
 EXPOSE 8080
 ENTRYPOINT ["python3", ""]

Code Dockefile. Launch Terminal | Enter the following Docker commands | curl http://localhost:8080
 docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t flask-api:latest "."
 docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080/tcp flask-api:latest --name "flask-api"

Create local KinD cluster. Enter all the following Kubernetes Deployment and Service YAML configuration:
 --- Deployment
 apiVersion: apps/v1
 kind: Deployment
   name: flask-api-deployment
   namespace: test-ns
   replicas: 1
       app: flask-api
         app: flask-api
         - name: flask-api
           image: flask-api:latest
           imagePullPolicy: Never
             - containerPort: 8080
 --- Service
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Service
   name: flask-api-service
   namespace: test-ns
     app: flask-api
   type: NodePort
     - protocol: TCP
       port: 80
       targetPort: 8080

Finally test: Launch Terminal | Enter the following Kubernetes commands | curl http://localhost:8080
 kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test-ns
 kind load docker-image flask-api:latest --name flask-cluster
 kubectl apply -f Kubernetes.yaml
 kubectl port-forward service/flask-api-service 8080:80
 curl http://localhost:8080

Extend example but this time include Gitlab CI/CD deployment pipelines. Ensure you have all Pre-Requisites:
 Python 3.8
 GitLab account [CI/CD]
 Microsoft Azure subscription [AZ CLI]
 VS Code Docker + Kubernetes
 Docker Hub account
 Kubernetes in Docker [KinD]
 docker [CLI]
 kubectl [CLI]

Azure AKS
Launch Terminal | Login to Azure portal. Enter commands to extract Service Principal and generate SSH key:
 az login
 az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ${USER}-bz-sp
 cd ~/.ssh
 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f master_ssh_key
 eval $(ssh-agent -s)
 ssh-add master_ssh_key

Export the following environment variables. Note: use the Service Principal information for first 3x ENV VARs
 export AZ_SP_ID=<value_from_appId>
 export AZ_SP_PASSWORD=<value_from_password>
 export AZ_TENANT_ID=<value_from_tenant
 export CLUSTER_NAME=stevepro-dev-cluster
 export MASTER_SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/
 export AZ_NETWORK_MODE=transparent
 export AZ_LB_SKU=standard
 export AZ_VM_SIZE=Standard_D2s_v3
 export AZ_LOCATION=northeurope

Create the Azure resource group then finally create the AKS cluster. Note: this process can take few minutes
 az group create --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --location ${AZ_LOCATION} --debug
 az aks create --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --resource-group ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --dns-name-prefix ${CLUSTER_NAME} --node-count ${CLUSTER_NODES} \
  --node-vm-size ${AZ_VM_SIZE} --kubernetes-version ${KUBERNETES_VERSION} \
  --ssh-key-value ${MASTER_SSH_KEY} --service-principal ${AZ_SP_ID} \
  --client-secret ${AZ_SP_PASSWORD} --load-balancer-sku ${AZ_LB_SKU} \
  --network-plugin azure --debug

Finally, execute following commands to download + export KUBECONFIG file on localhost and setup context
 export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
 az aks get-credentials --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --resource-group ${CLUSTER_NAME} --file ${KUBECONFIG}
 kubectl create ns test-ns
 kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test-ns

Follow this tutorial to create and run your first GitLab CI/CD pipeline. Create .gitlab-ci.yml file at root the of the project directory. Refactor all YAML configuration in files beneath the cicd directory. Automate CI/CD to the Kubernetes cluster using helm charts. This way, multiple environments can be targeted and customized.

Navigate to | Settings | CI/CD | Variables. Enter all GitLab Variables here e.g. Docker registry host and username. Secure sensitive information like Docker password using Base64. Add KUBECONFIG:

Trigger CI/CD pipeline. Launch Terminal | Repeat kubectl port-forward. Test: curl http://localhost:8080

 kubectl port-forward service/flask-api-service 8080:80
 curl http://localhost:8080

Gitflow is an alternative Git branching model that involves the use of feature branches and multiple primary branches. Here is practical guide to implement GitFlow using GitLab with the corresponding git commands.

Launch Create new project. Default branch will be main. Git clone repository to localhost. For completeness cut initial Tag 0.1. In SourceTree setup GitFlow: Repository | Git-flow | Initialize Repository:

In set develop as default branch: GitLab | Setttings | Repository | Branch defaults | develop.
 FEATURE [start]
 git checkout -b feature/my-feature develop # cut feature branch
 git push --set-upstream origin feature/my-feature # push feature to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff feature/my-feature # merge feature to develop
 git push # push develop to remote
 FEATURE [end]
 git branch -d feature/my-feature # delete local branch
 git push origin -d feature/my-feature # delete remote branch
 RELEASE [start]
 git checkout -b release/1.0 develop # cut release branch
 git push --set-upstream origin release/1.0 # push release to remote
 BUGFIX [start]
 git checkout -b bugfix/1.0 release/1.0 # cut bugfix branch
 git push --set-upstream origin bugfix/1.0 # push bugfix to remote
 git checkout release/1.0 
 git merge --no-ff bugfix/1.0 # merge bugfix to release
 git push # push release to remote
 BUGFIX [end]
 git branch -d bugfix/1.0 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d bugfix/1.0 # delete remote branch
 RELEASE [end]
 git checkout main 
 git merge --no-ff release/1.0 # merge release to main
 git push # sync release with main
 git tag -a 1.0 -m "Tag 1.0" # cut tag 1.0 off main
 git push origin tag 1.0 # push tag 1.0 to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff release/1.0 # merge release to develop
 git push # sync release with develop
 git branch -d release/1.0 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d release/1.0 # delete remote branch
 HOTFIX [start]
 git checkout main 
 git checkout -b hotfix/1.1 main # cut hotfix branch
 git push --set-upstream origin hotfix/1.1 # push hotfix to remote
 HOTFIX [end]
 git checkout main 
 git merge --no-ff hotfix/1.1 # merge hotfix to main
 git push # sync hotfix with main
 git tag -a 1.1 -m "Tag 1.1" # cut Tag 1.1 off main
 git push origin tag 1.1 # push Tag 1.1 to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff hotfix/1.1 # merge hotfix to develop
 git push # sync hotfix with develop
 git branch -d hotfix/1.1 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d hotfix/1.1 # delete remote branch

IMPORTANT - you can compare two branches [source vs. target] anytime issuing the following commands:
 git checkout develop # source branch
 git diff --name-only main # target branch
 OR # target branch
 git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r main..develop # source vs. target branch

To summarize, now that we have discussed the differences between GitHub and GitLab, we have extended our previous end-to-end Web API demo on local host, in Docker and Kubernetes but now leveraged GitLab CI/CD pipelines to automate deployments to the cloud. Our next steps would be more GitFlow integration: Replicate deployments across multiple environments and complete the full Software Development LifeCyle!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

MacOS Setup Cheat Sheet II

In the previous post we checked out MacOS Setup Cheat Sheet to seamlessly transfer all keyboard shortcuts from Windows to Mac. Now we would like to transfer all Application navigation as M1 powered MacBooks are more appealing for companies than ever. Especially with the rise of A.I. requirements for faster data access.

Let's check it out!

In the previous post, we began looking at using keyboard shortcuts on Mac. Now we would like to compare document shortcuts that we are used to for navigation on Windows however now using Ctrl instead of Cmd:
 Home  Move to beg of line  Ctrl + Home  Move to beg of file
 End  Move to end of line  Ctrl + End  Move to end of file
 Ctrl + Left  Move to prev word  Ctrl + Shift + Left  Select the prev word
 Ctrl + Right  Move to next word  Ctrl + Shift + Right  Select the next word
 Shift + Home  Select to beg of line  Ctrl + Shift + Home  Select to beg of file
 Shift + End  Select to end of line  Ctrl + Shift + End  Select to end of file
The main issue is there doesn't seem to be generic shortcut mapping; navigation seems application specific!

The Mac text system uses generalized key bindings mechanism that is completely re-mappable by all users. The standard bindings include all system defaults but you can override bindings in your own custom dict file:
 SYSTEM /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Resources/StandardKeyBinding.dict
 CUSTOM ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict

Here is how to override MacOS key bindings: Launch Terminal and create new a DefaultKeyBinding.dict file:
 sudo bash
 mkdir -p ~/Library/KeyBindings
 touch ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
 open -e ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict

Typically, the default key bindings for the Home and End keys in MacOS are different to any other operating system. Thus you may like to fix the Home and End buttons first and in combination with Shift and Ctrl keys.

Next key bindings that may not be working is to move cursor from word to word. Integrate Keycode Modifier learnt from the previous post to complete custom dict file to change all MasOS key bindings. Here is my file:
  "\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfLine:" /* Home Button*/
  "\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfLine:" /* End Button */
  "$\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:" /* Shift+ Home Button */
  "$\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:" /* Shift+ End Button */
  "@\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocument:" /* Ctrl + Home Button */
  "^\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocument:" /* Alt + Home Button */
  "~\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocument:" /* Win + Home Button */
  "@\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocument:" /* Ctrl + End Button */
  "^\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocument:" /* Alt + End Button */
  "~\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocument:" /* Win + End Button */
  "@$\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Ctrl + Shift + Home Button */
  "^$\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Alt + Shift + Home Button */
  "~$\UF729" =  "moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Win + Shift + Home Button */
  "@$\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Ctrl + Shift + End Button */
  "^$\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Alt + Shift + End Button */
  "~$\UF72B" =  "moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:" /* Win + Shift + End Button */
  "@\UF702" =  "moveWordLeft:" /* Ctrl + Left */
  "^\UF702" =  "moveWordLeft:" /* Alt + Left */
  "~\UF702" =  "moveWordLeft:" /* Win + Left */
  "@\UF703" =  "moveWordRight:" /* Ctrl + Right */
  "^\UF703" =  "moveWordRight:" /* Alt + Right */
  "~\UF703" =  "moveWordRight:" /* Win + Right */
  "@$\UF702" =  "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:" /* Ctrl + Shift + Left */
  "^$\UF702" =  "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:" /* Alt + Shift + Left */
  "~$\UF702" =  "moveWordLeftAndModifySelection:" /* Win + Shift + Left */
  "@$\UF703" =  "moveWordRightAndModifySelection:" /* Ctrl + Shift + Right */
  "^$\UF703" =  "moveWordRightAndModifySelection:" /* Alt + Shift + Right */
  "~$\UF703" =  "moveWordRightAndModifySelection:" /* Win + Shift + Right */
For completeness, here is a thorough KeyBindings tutorial explaining MacOS Keybinding Key Syntax and the Action Code. Detailed DefaultKeyBinding.dict examples shared online by users Belphemu, trusktr and zsimic.

Finally, in researching Default Key Bindings many posts promote Karabiner-Elements as a powerful keyboard customizer for macOS. However, it has been recommended not to use on M1 hardware due to kernel panics.

Ideally we would like to update navigation on Terminal due to frequent use: Terminal | Settings... | Profiles. Keyboard tab customize Key and Action settings. Check Use Option as Meta Key to "backward delete word". Unfortunately, Terminal navigation not aligned therefore will prefer IDEs like VS Code or PyCharm terminals.

VS Code
Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform code editor available on Windows, Linux and Mac. However, unlike the TextEdit, VS Code does not respect DefaultKeyBinding.dict on MacOS. Therefore, change keyboard shorcuts!

Customize VS Code keybindings to align navigation: Launch VS Code | Settings | Keyboard Shortcuts | Add:
 Command Keybinding Description
 cursorTop Ctrl + Home Move to beg of file
 cursorBottom Ctrl + End Move to end of file
 cursorWordLeft Ctrl + Left Move to prev word
 cursorWordRight Ctrl + Right Move to next word
 cursorTopSelect Ctrl + Shift + Home Select to beg of file
 cursorBottomSelect Ctrl + Shift + End Select to end of file
 cursorWordLeftSelect Ctrl + Shift + Left Select the prev word
 cursorWordRightSelect Ctrl + Shift + Right Select the next word
 deleteWordLeft Alt + Backspace Delete the prev word

Continue to customize Menu keyboard shortcuts that one is accustomed to aligning VS Code navigation e.g.:
 Command Keybinding Description
 File: Open Folder... Ctrl + K Ctrl + O workbench.action.files.openFolderViaWorkspace
 Terminal: Clear Ctrl + L workbench.action.terminal.clear
 Terminal: Create New Terminal Ctrl + Shift + T

The keybindings for VS Code are updated in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json file. Update keybindings.json directly for Terminal keyboard shortcuts like delete word prior + cursor movement:
  "key": "alt+backspace",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": { "text": "\u001b\u007f" },
  "when": "terminalFocus"
  "key": "cmd+backspace",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": { "text": "\u001b\u007f" },
  "when": "terminalFocus"
  "key": "cmd+left",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": { "text": "\u001bb" },
  "when": "terminalFocus"
  "key": "cmd+right",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": { "text": "\u001bf" },
  "when": "terminalFocus"
  "key": "cmd+z",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
  "args": { "text": "\u0003" },
  "when": "terminalFocus"

PyCharm Community
Align PyCharm Keymap to VS Code Keymap for consistent keyboard shortcuts and developer IDE experience. In the "Welcome to PyCharm" popup choose Plugins | VSCode Keymap | Install. Navigate back to Customize. Under Keymap change default value VSCode (macOS). Now most VS Code shortcuts will work like Windows.

However, in order to better align full navigation, update the following from PyCharm | Settings... | Keymap:
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Text Start Ctrl + Home
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Text End Ctrl + End
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Text Start with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Home
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Text End with Selection Ctrl + Shift + End
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Previous Word Ctrl + Left
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Next Word Ctrl + Right
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Left
 Editor Actions Move Caret to Next Word with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Right
 Editor Actions Move Up and Scroll with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Up
 Editor Actions Move Down and Scroll with Selection Ctrl + Shift + Down
 Editor Actions Delete to Word Start Alt + Backspace
 Main Menu Navigate Back Alt + Up
 Main Menu Navigate Forward Alt + Down
IMPORTANT: typically use Alt + Left to Navigate Back but this is now doubled to Move Word left as priority!

If Ctrl + Shift + O launches Symbols then remove duplicate: Choose Settings | Keymap | filter as "symbol". Double click Navigate | Go to Symbol | Edit | Remove Ctrl+Shift+O | Apply | OK. Repeat this as necessary.

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel like Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End won't work so prefer to use arrow keys to navigate
 Ctrl + Left Move to first cell of selected row
 Ctrl + Right Move to last cell of selected row
 Ctrl + Up Move to first cell of selected column
 Ctrl + Down Move to last cell of selected column

PostgreSQL is preferred by companies because it offers data types not found in MySQL. Plus MySQL can be used for web-based/online or mapping functions, whereas PostgreSQL is recommended for large analytical processes.

Setup a local PostgreSQL database server on Mac OS/X. Download PostgreSQL 16 (Universal).

Download and install local pgAdmin database client on Mac OS/X to administer and PostgreSQL instances.

PyCharm Professional
After installing Postgres server one can use pgAdmin client for data access. However, it seems challenging to customize navigation here. An excellent alternative is Database Tools + SQL plugin available from PyCharm.

This plugin is available only in PyCharm Professional but may prove to be a valuable investment longterm J
 PyCharm Community  PyCharm Professional

Download and install PyCharm Professional for macOS. Launch PyCharm Professional. Import Settings from PyCharm Community Edition. Thus you should have all navigation aligned! Note the Database Tools + SQL plugin will be enabled by default. Interesting plugins PostgreSQL Debugger and SQL Optimizer + Indexing.

Connect to database: View menu | Database | Click "+" | Data Source | PostgreSQL. Enter credentials | OK.

Checkout the PyCharm documentation to Run queries. Align F5 to Execute queries similar to SQL Server Mgt Studio: Settings | Keymap | Database | Console Toolbar | Execute. Right click | Add keyboard shortcut | F5.

Checkout the PyCharm documentation to update Word Case as per SQL convention: Settings | Editor | Code Style | SQL | PostgreSQL. Inherit general SQL style DISABLE | Word Case | Keywords To upper. Also update Code Completion as Ctrl + Space: Settings | Keymap | Main Menu | Code | Code Completion | Ctrl + Space.

Finally in Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion enable the following options: Automatically insert single suggestions, Sort suggestions alphabetically, Show suggestions as you type, Match case: First letter.

To summarize, armed with this knowledge we have setup the MacOS to better align keyboard shortcuts and application navigation techniques accumulated from years of Windows development experience. From here, we are in now an excellent position to leverage the M1 chip for faster data access as per A.I. requirements!