Thursday, July 4, 2024

GitLab Cheat Sheet

In 2016, we checked out GitHub Cheat Sheet: a distributed version control system for Open Source projects. Now we will explore differences in GitLab to streamline collaborative workflow and leverage CI/CD pipelines.

Let's check it out!

As per previous post assumes an account setup on Create an account on if you have not already done so. As GitLab also uses underlying git we setup the following on localhost for development:

SSH Keys
An SSH key is an access credential for the SSH network protocol. Git supports both RSA and ED25519 keys. Launch Terminal. Issue the following commands to generate new SSH key and adding SSH key to ssh-agent:

 RSA  ED25519
 cd ~/.ssh  cd ~/.ssh
 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C <email>
 Passphrase <redacted>  Passphrase <redacted>
 eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"  eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
 ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa  ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
 xclip -selection clipboard < ~/.ssh/  xclip -selection clipboard < <key>

If xclip is not installed then issue 2x commands: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install xclip. Finally, navigate to Settings | SSH and GPG keys | New SSH key | Paste contents from here.

Personal Access Token
If you favor HTTPS then Personal Access Tokens offer security benefits over password-based authentication. Launch Navigate to Edit Profile | Access Tokens | Add new token. Create personal access token.

After new Personal Access Token is created upload into source control software for example Source Tree on Windows and Mac OS/X and JetBrains products on Linux that integrate Git like PyCharm for Python etc etc.

Source Tree
Launch Source Tree | Settings | Accounts Add... | Enter the following details | Paste personal access token:

JetBrains IDE
Launch PyCharm | File | Settings... | Version Control | GitLab. Click "+" button | Enter GitLab token | Log In:

In 2021, we coded an example from scratch as full end-to-end Web API demo on local host, in Docker and Kubernetes. Let's replicate with Python Flask API but this time include Gitlab CI/CD deployment pipelines.

Navigate to Create blank project. Launch PyCharm. Create the new project gitlabcheatsheet.

Enter code. Install packages. Press F5 to debug. Launch Terminal | curl http://localhost:8080  Dockerfile
 from flask import Flask
 app = Flask(__name__)
 def root():
     return "Hello World (Python)!\n"
 if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8080)
 FROM python:3-alpine
 WORKDIR /service
 COPY requirements.txt .
 RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 COPY . ./
 EXPOSE 8080
 ENTRYPOINT ["python3", ""]

Code Dockefile. Launch Terminal | Enter the following Docker commands | curl http://localhost:8080
 docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t flask-api:latest "."
 docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080/tcp flask-api:latest --name "flask-api"

Create local KinD cluster. Enter all the following Kubernetes Deployment and Service YAML configuration:
 --- Deployment
 apiVersion: apps/v1
 kind: Deployment
   name: flask-api-deployment
   namespace: test-ns
   replicas: 1
       app: flask-api
         app: flask-api
         - name: flask-api
           image: flask-api:latest
           imagePullPolicy: Never
             - containerPort: 8080
 --- Service
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Service
   name: flask-api-service
   namespace: test-ns
     app: flask-api
   type: NodePort
     - protocol: TCP
       port: 80
       targetPort: 8080

Finally test: Launch Terminal | Enter the following Kubernetes commands | curl http://localhost:8080
 kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test-ns
 kind load docker-image flask-api:latest --name flask-cluster
 kubectl apply -f Kubernetes.yaml
 kubectl port-forward service/flask-api-service 8080:80
 curl http://localhost:8080

Extend example but this time include Gitlab CI/CD deployment pipelines. Ensure you have all Pre-Requisites:
 Python 3.8
 GitLab account [CI/CD]
 Microsoft Azure subscription [AZ CLI]
 VS Code Docker + Kubernetes
 Docker Hub account
 Kubernetes in Docker [KinD]
 docker [CLI]
 kubectl [CLI]

Azure AKS
Launch Terminal | Login to Azure portal. Enter commands to extract Service Principal and generate SSH key:
 az login
 az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ${USER}-bz-sp
 cd ~/.ssh
 ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f master_ssh_key
 eval $(ssh-agent -s)
 ssh-add master_ssh_key

Export the following environment variables. Note: use the Service Principal information for first 3x ENV VARs
 export AZ_SP_ID=<value_from_appId>
 export AZ_SP_PASSWORD=<value_from_password>
 export AZ_TENANT_ID=<value_from_tenant
 export CLUSTER_NAME=stevepro-dev-cluster
 export MASTER_SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/
 export AZ_NETWORK_MODE=transparent
 export AZ_LB_SKU=standard
 export AZ_VM_SIZE=Standard_D2s_v3
 export AZ_LOCATION=northeurope

Create the Azure resource group then finally create the AKS cluster. Note: this process can take few minutes
 az group create --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --location ${AZ_LOCATION} --debug
 az aks create --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --resource-group ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --dns-name-prefix ${CLUSTER_NAME} --node-count ${CLUSTER_NODES} \
  --node-vm-size ${AZ_VM_SIZE} --kubernetes-version ${KUBERNETES_VERSION} \
  --ssh-key-value ${MASTER_SSH_KEY} --service-principal ${AZ_SP_ID} \
  --client-secret ${AZ_SP_PASSWORD} --load-balancer-sku ${AZ_LB_SKU} \
  --network-plugin azure --debug

Finally, execute following commands to download + export KUBECONFIG file on localhost and setup context
 export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
 az aks get-credentials --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --resource-group ${CLUSTER_NAME} --file ${KUBECONFIG}
 kubectl create ns test-ns
 kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test-ns

Follow this tutorial to create and run your first GitLab CI/CD pipeline. Create .gitlab-ci.yml file at root the of the project directory. Refactor all YAML configuration in files beneath the cicd directory. Automate CI/CD to the Kubernetes cluster using helm charts. This way, multiple environments can be targeted and customized.

Navigate to | Settings | CI/CD | Variables. Enter all GitLab Variables here e.g. Docker registry host and username. Secure sensitive information like Docker password using Base64. Add KUBECONFIG:

Trigger CI/CD pipeline. Launch Terminal | Repeat kubectl port-forward. Test: curl http://localhost:8080

 kubectl port-forward service/flask-api-service 8080:80
 curl http://localhost:8080

Gitflow is an alternative Git branching model that involves the use of feature branches and multiple primary branches. Here is practical guide to implement GitFlow using GitLab with the corresponding git commands.

Launch Create new project. Default branch will be main. Git clone repository to localhost. For completeness cut initial Tag 0.1. In SourceTree setup GitFlow: Repository | Git-flow | Initialize Repository:

In set develop as default branch: GitLab | Setttings | Repository | Branch defaults | develop.
 FEATURE [start]
 git checkout -b feature/my-feature develop # cut feature branch
 git push --set-upstream origin feature/my-feature # push feature to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff feature/my-feature # merge feature to develop
 git push # push develop to remote
 FEATURE [end]
 git branch -d feature/my-feature # delete local branch
 git push origin -d feature/my-feature # delete remote branch
 RELEASE [start]
 git checkout -b release/1.0 develop # cut release branch
 git push --set-upstream origin release/1.0 # push release to remote
 BUGFIX [start]
 git checkout -b bugfix/1.0 release/1.0 # cut bugfix branch
 git push --set-upstream origin bugfix/1.0 # push bugfix to remote
 git checkout release/1.0 
 git merge --no-ff bugfix/1.0 # merge bugfix to release
 git push # push release to remote
 BUGFIX [end]
 git branch -d bugfix/1.0 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d bugfix/1.0 # delete remote branch
 RELEASE [end]
 git checkout main 
 git merge --no-ff release/1.0 # merge release to main
 git push # sync release with main
 git tag -a 1.0 -m "Tag 1.0" # cut tag 1.0 off main
 git push origin tag 1.0 # push tag 1.0 to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff release/1.0 # merge release to develop
 git push # sync release with develop
 git branch -d release/1.0 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d release/1.0 # delete remote branch
 HOTFIX [start]
 git checkout main 
 git checkout -b hotfix/1.1 main # cut hotfix branch
 git push --set-upstream origin hotfix/1.1 # push hotfix to remote
 HOTFIX [end]
 git checkout main 
 git merge --no-ff hotfix/1.1 # merge hotfix to main
 git push # sync hotfix with main
 git tag -a 1.1 -m "Tag 1.1" # cut Tag 1.1 off main
 git push origin tag 1.1 # push Tag 1.1 to remote
 git checkout develop 
 git merge --no-ff hotfix/1.1 # merge hotfix to develop
 git push # sync hotfix with develop
 git branch -d hotfix/1.1 # delete local branch
 git push origin -d hotfix/1.1 # delete remote branch

IMPORTANT - you can compare two branches [source vs. target] anytime issuing the following commands:
 git checkout develop # source branch
 git diff --name-only main # target branch
 OR # target branch
 git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r main..develop # source vs. target branch

To summarize, now that we have discussed the differences between GitHub and GitLab, we have extended our previous end-to-end Web API demo on local host, in Docker and Kubernetes but now leveraged GitLab CI/CD pipelines to automate deployments to the cloud. Our next steps would be more GitFlow integration: Replicate deployments across multiple environments and complete the full Software Development LifeCyle!

1 comment:

maheen said...

Ensure you have all rslhelper prerequisites in place before configuring GitLab CI/CD deployment pipelines.

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