Saturday, July 4, 2020

Python Setup Cheat Sheet

Python is an interpreted high-level and general purpose programming language. Python 2.0 was released in 2000 but officially discontinued in 2020. Python 3.x is now the preferred version for most projects e.g. v3.7.

Python is commonly used in artificial intelligence and machine learning projects with the help of libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, Pytorch and Scikit-learn. There is also open source Python distribution Anaconda used for data science and machine learning applications that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

Let's check it out!

Install Python
Install Python on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux. Install pip as the de facto standard package-management system. Install Anaconda for future AI projects. Finally, install + configure an IDE for Python programming.

Follow instructions here how to install Python 3 on Windows. Download latest version of Python for Windows including IDLE pip + documentation. Add Python to PATH variable making it easier to configure your system.

Mac OS/X
Python is installed by default on most Mac OS/X systems. Launch terminal + type python and pip to confirm.

Python is installed by default on most Linux systems. Launch terminal + type python. However you may also need to install pip. Update your ~/.bashrc file as necessary to use Python 3.7 by default instead of Python 2.
 Install + Update + Aliases Python3  Ubuntu Linux unable to locate package python-pip
 sudo apt install python3-pip
 python -m pip install --upgrade pip
 echo "alias python=python3" >> ~/.bashrc
 echo "alias pip=pip3" >> ~/.bashrc
 sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
 sudo apt-add-repository universe
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Verify which python version and which pip version are installed and location where these are both installed:
 python --version  which python
 pip --version  which pip

Install Anaconda
Follow instructions to install open source Python distribution Anaconda for Windows and Mac OS/X and Linux
 Windows  %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3
 Mac OS/X  /anaconda3
 Linux  /anaconda3

Add the following four environment variables: System | Advanced system settings | Environment Variables:
 %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3  %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3\libs
 %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3\Scripts  %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3\Library\bin

Mac OS/X
Follow all prompts from the install wizard. Anaconda should install at /anaconda3 by default with aliases set.

Launch terminal as root user. Type bash ~/Downloads/ For consistency with the Mac set install location to /anaconda3. After install launch Anaconda navigator. Enter the following:
 source ~/anaconda*/bin/activate root

Update your ~/.bashrc file as necessary to prefer Anaconda Python especially for data science AI + ML work.
 alias python=/anaconda3/bin/python
 alias pip=/anaconda3/bin/pip

Finally, create Anaconda desktop shortcut: create the following Anaconda.desktop at /usr/share/applications/ Add the text below. Enter sudo echo "PATH=$PATH:/anaconda3/bin" >> /etc/environment at the terminal.

[Desktop Entry]
Restart Linux. From settings type "Anaconda" to prompt Anaconda Navigator + resume projects from there.

Verify which Anaconda version is installed using conda --version command and where installed where conda.

Install PyCharm
PyCharm is an integrated development environment used specifically for Python. Install PyCharm during the Anaconda install or from navigator. Otherwise install PyCharm for Windows and Mac OS/X and Linux directly.

Launch PyCharm. Click "Configure" cog drop down | Settings. Set the base interpreter to match the Python location for Anaconda. Click cog | Show All | Click "+" | Virtualenv Environment. Enter the following details:

 Windows  %USERPROFILE%\Anaconda3\python.exe
 Mac OS/X  /anaconda3/bin/python
 Linux  /anaconda3/bin/python

Configure cog | Plugins. Install pylint as a code analysis tool that follows the recommended PEP8 style guide. Restart IDE. Pylint is handy tool to check Python code especially for developers used to static code compiler!

Track active item in solution explorer similar to Visual Studio: Click cog to right of Project and Always Select Opened File. Hit shift key twice for quick search. Remember Rename files and folder is in the Refactor menu!
 Ctrl + F12  Prompt popup to list all the methods in the class
 Ctrl + Shift + N  Prompt popup to search for text found in all files
 Ctrl + Shift + I  View definition of function or method in the class
 Ctrl + Click function  Navigate to function definition or method in class
 Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow  Navigate backwards to previous location
 Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow  Navigate forwards to the next location

On Linux navigate may actually be Shift + Alt + arrow keys instead of Ctrl due to keymap shortcut conflicts!

Hello PyCharm
Launch PyCharm. Create New Project | "HelloPyCharm". Enter the following details as Anaconda interpreter:

PyCharm uses virtualenv tool to create an isolated Python environment. Virtualenv creates venv folder in the current directory with Python executable files and a copy of pip to install other modules and packages.

Create simple "". Enter Python code print('Hello World'). Right click file | Run ""HelloWorld".

Module Not Found
Update script | Import module not currently installed e.g. import numpy. Run script: ModuleNotFoundError

Launch PyCharm terminal. Enter python -m pip install numpy to install module. Re-run script with success.

Alternatively, execute pip freeze to dump all required modules for project into requirements.txt and install:
 pip freeze > requirements.txt
 pip install -r requirements.txt

Code Sample
Let's test drive develop a simple code sample as a Python module that could be deployed as Python package.

A module is a single Python script file whereas a package is a collection of modules. A package is a directory of Python modules containing an additional file to distinguish from a directory of Python scripts.

Launch PyCharm. Create New Project | "PackagePyCharm". Configure Python Anaconda interpreter above. Right click PackagePyCharm project | New | Python Package | "MyPackage". Create other top level folders.

Create sub folders src and tests beneath "MyPackage". Create requirements.txt file + beneath "MyPackage" also. Finally, create and under src and under tests.
 import unittest
 from MyPackage.src.module import add_one

 class TestSimple(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_add_one(self):
        result = add_one(5)
        self.assertEqual(result, 6)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 def add_one(number):
    return number + 1

Right click inside | Debug 'Unittests for'. Alternatively, Terminal command:

python -m unittest discover MyPackage

If the Terminal reveals Run 0 tests then ensure package has setup in every relevant sub folder. Finally, enter dependencies for requirements.txt file and e.g. numpy. Install package at terminal:  requirements.txt
 import setuptools

 with open("", "r") as fh:

    description="My test package.",

pip install MyPackage/.

Finally, we could also replicate the unit test code directly on the REPL. Select Terminal tab. Enter commands:

 >>> from MyPackage.src.module import add_one
 >>> result = add_one(5)
 >>> print(result)

Code Linting
Linting highlights syntactical and stylistic problems in Python source code which helps identify and correct subtle programming errors. In PyCharm, choose Pylint tab and click Play button to list any errors in code.

Alternatively, select Terminal and type specific linter like flake8 to check Python source code against PEP8 coding style programming errors. If flake8 is not installed then simply type pip install flake8 at Terminal.

To summarize, we have a simple setup for Python programming on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux. There is much to explore e.g. Python 3.8. However, we'd like to setup Python more for AI machine learning projects. This will be topic of the next post.

1 comment:

Taneka Grey said...

Having a Python Setup Cheat Sheet is essential for quickly getting your Python environment up and running. Whether you're setting up a virtual environment, installing dependencies via pip, or configuring your IDE, a cheat sheet will streamline your process. For faster and more efficient development, tools like Raw Accel can further enhance your workflow. This cheat sheet is perfect for developers who want to jumpstart their Python setup without missing any crucial steps!

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